Sunday, July 26, 2009

1st Year Wedding Anniversary

Finally TGIF! One will never appreciate it as much until you're back in the slave market. This is the most popular day of the week. After an entire week of doing nothing and stressing because I've nothing much to do, I'm all geared up for a nice weekend :)

On Saturday marked our 1st year wedding anniversary and my Hubs and I celebrated it in a nice French fusion restaurant in a nice neighbourhood of Rotterdam. 'In Den Rustwat' is the name of the restaurant that we had picked. We finally get to use our wedding gift - a restaurant bon we'd received from our ex-colleagues last year. This was our little treat :)

The dinner lasted 3.5 hours and that's a typical Dutch way of dining out. It's a whole evening affair. Basically you waited 15-20 mins for a menu, then another 10-15 mins to order, another 20-25 mins for your first course to arrive. Both of use opted for a 4-course menu where my Hubs ordered 4 glasses of wine (the restaurant will serve different wine for different course) and I must admit the wines were splendidly chosen for each menu.

Food was absolutely nice, service was impeccable (and of course it comes with a high price ;) Nevertheless, it was a very nice evening we spent for our 1st year wedding anniversary; great food, nice, cosy place and of course great company.


  1. happy 1st wedding anniversary!
    wow time flies so quickly ya.
    it felt like just not too long ago i was sitting at the table, chatting wit ur in laws!

    wishing you and Francois many more to come, mayb celebrating with an addition to the family next year ? ;)

  2. HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY, dearie!!!
    I'm glad u guys had a good one.... Time flies and it's already one year... more to come!

  3. Thank you ladies :) :) Time sure flies huh! Time to plan to add-on a family member soon!
