Thursday, June 25, 2009

PAP Smear Test in Holland

I've yearly Pap Smear Test back in Malaysia but when I came to Holland, this was definitely not in my to-do list. However, I just found out that over here, a routine screening for a PAP Smear does not commence until the age of 35. An invitation will be sent from our own 'huisarts' @ General Practitioner (GP) here for a free PAP Smear test every 5 years. Every 5 years people!!! And for those who wants to take this test anytime before or after the invitation, the cost has to be paid by ourselves! What the hell......freaking strange isn't it?

Trust me, I have bee plagued by this question, why every 5 years. Finally I've my answer when I went for a blood test today. While I was there, I've asked this question to the GP. I was then told that it was proven in research and tests that PAP Smear test done every 5 years is sufficient to detect any abnormalities in the cervical cells. Cervical cancer cells grow very slow. And also the cost issue, it is not effective for the government to pay for a yearly test for every woman in the country. It is almost a redundant cost when results has proven otherwise that once every 5 years for a PAP Smear test is more than sufficient.

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